Police Horse Training for Everyone
To Help People and Horses Develop Safe, Fun and Effective Partnerships
POST Certified 40 Hour Mounted Patrol Course, Basic. MAY 25-29, 2023 (Memorial Day weekend)
$400.00Be prepared to safely and effectively conduct mounted patrol operations in an urban environment. For sworn LE, as well as Civilian Volunteers of an LE Posse. Covers horse selection and training, horsemanship, grooming, mounted formation and color guard procedures and mounted tactics and traffic control. Participants must be able to walk, trot, lope and stop their horse under control in a group setting. Various sensory exposures, including night time with flares, sirens and firecrackers. Camping and stalls available on site. Held in Palmdale, CA in conjunction with LA County Sheriff's Posse.
POST Cert#1394-23991-22QuantityAll options are out of stockComing soonOUR METHOD
Proven Principles Properly Practiced Produce Perfect Partners
We teach the same principles and techniques we have found successful in preparing police horses and their riders. Safely and effectively working mounted law enforcement requires a solid foundation of control and responsiveness under a variety of conditions, many of which are high sensory and high stress. We coach you how to use these same principles to develop a horse that is calm, responsive and straight, which equals Safe and Fun to Ride!
All great horsemen and women use the same principles. They may use different words to describe their philosophies, and they may have different approaches to applying the principles, but when it is boiled down, they are all much more alike than different. We teach people to properly practice proven principles to help people teach their horse to be a calm and responsive partner.
Preserve the Horse's Confidence and Curiosity
Are You Curious?
Curiosity and courage are connected. To help a horse be brave we use retreat and approach to keep it curious and build its confidence.
Get to the Horse's Mind Through its Feet
The Irony of the Horse
The same thing that makes horses potentially dangerous to ride is also what allows us to ride them. Their prey animal perspective can cause them to be reactive and unpredictable. Horses are very distractible. One moment they're with us and the next they can be ignoring us and focused on that scary thing we don't even see. We can use this characteristic to distract their attention from the scary thing and bring it back to us...IF we know how to be sufficiently inspiring to our horse.
Recognize and Reward
the Slightest Try
Help Your Horse Want to Learn
One of the most important skills to develop in the training of horses is recognizing when the horse is thinking about doing the right thing in response to our cues. The closer we can time our reward to the horse's correct thought, the faster the horse will learn and the lighter we can be.
See How Little You Can Do
A Common Error
Is instead of starting with a whisper we crank up the volume of our cues to the level we know the horse will respond to. The result is we are always having to "yell" at our horse to get anything done. Much kinder to teach our horses our whisper means something so they will listen to it. The horse wants to do what it thinks we want, we should be as polite as possible in how we ask.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who Are You Guys?
People Who Love to Ride
The Tactical Horsemanship team is comprised of current and/or former full time Mounted Enforcement officers from a major Southern California law enforcement agency. This training is not affiliated with or sponsored by said agency.
Is this Police Horse Training for Anyone?
Although we provide California POST Approved Mounted Training to Law Enforcement agencies, our primary customer base is the recreational rider who wants a safe, fun and effective partnership with their horse
What Equipment Do I Need for this Training?
You Probably Have it Already
Besides your normal riding tack, you will need a quality rope halter and a yacht braid lead rope at least 12 feet long. We also highly encourage the wearing of a riding helmet during training. If you use a "carrot stick" or flag stick during your normal training program, bring it too. We encourage the use of spurs. When used properly, spurs allow us to be softer with our cues.
To schedule a Discovery Day training for your group, or to get on our notification list for future training days.
© 2016